GPL Tools
PgBadger is a PostgreSQL log analyzer build for speed with fully detailed
reports from your PostgreSQL log file. It's a single and small Perl script that aims to
replace and outperform the old php script pgFouine.This tool is written in pure Perl
language. It uses a javascript library to draw graphs so that you don't need additional
Perl modules or any other package to install. Furthermore, this library gives us more
features such as zooming.

Ora2Pg is a free tool used to migrate an Oracle database to a PostgreSQL compatible schema. It connects your Oracle database, scan it automaticaly and extracts its structure or data, it then generates SQL scripts that you can load into your PostgreSQL database.Ora2Pg can be used from reverse engineering Oracle database to huge enterprise database migration or simply to replicate some Oracle data into a PostgreSQL database. It is really easy to used and doesn't need any Oracle database knowledge than providing the parameters needed to connect to the Oracle database.

PgCluu is a PostgreSQL performances monitoring and auditing tool. View reports of all statistics collected from your PostgreSQL databases cluster. PgCluu will show you the entire informations of the PostgreSQL Cluster and the system utilisation

External file extension
Allow access to "external files" from PostgreSQL server file systems. This extension is only a "secure version" of the server side lo_* functions.
This extension adds the same functionalities given by the Oracle's BFILE data type that stores unstructured binary data in flat files outside the database. A BFILE column stores a file locator that points to an external file containing the data: (DIRECTORY, FILENAME). Here the data type is called EFILE.

Uri data type
uri is a extension to add uri data type for PostgreSQL, it allows to insert data in uri format and provide all functions to extract uri parts, validate and compare uris. Some functions are provided to check if an uri exists, check size and content-type of remote uri (using libcurl) and local uri.

Global Temporary Table extension
pgtt is a PostgreSQL extension to create and manage Oracle-style Global Temporary Tables. It is based on unlogged tables, Row Security Level and views. A background worker is responsible to periodically remove obsolete rows.

PgFormatter is a SQL formatter/beautifier supports keywords from lots of SQL versions and PostgreSQL specifics keywords. PgFormatter can work as a console program or as a CGI. It will automatically detect his environment and output as text or as HTML following the context.

PostgreSQL dump/restore in binary format
pg_dumpbinary is a program used to dump a PostgreSQL database with data dumped in binary format. The resulting dumps must be restored using pg_restorebinary.

pg_statement_rollback is a PostgreSQL extension to add server side transaction with rollback at statement level like in Oracle or DB2. If at any time during execution a SQL statement causes an error, all effects of the statement are rolled back. The effect of the rollback is as if that statement had never been run.

SquidClamav is an antivirus for Squid proxy based on the Awards winnings
ClamAv anti-virus toolkit. This tool is the most efficient Squid Redirector and ICAP
service antivirus tool for HTTP traffic available for free, it is written in C and can
handle thousand of connections. SquidClamav is build for speed and security in mind,
it is first used and tested to secure a network with 2,500 and more users. It is also
known to working fast with 15000+ users.
The way to add more securing on your network for free is here.

Squid proxy log analyzer and reports generator with full statistics about times, hits, bytes, users, networks, top urls and top domains. Statistic reports are oriented toward user and bandwidth control; this is not a pure cache statistics generator.

SendmailAnalyzer as is name suggest is a free Sendmail/Postfix log analyzer. It process maillog files and generate dynamic statistics in HTML and graphical output. The reports are generated in real time so that it let you know at any moment what is going on your mail servers. It use time (hour, day, month and year views) and cross-linked navigation for easy use.
SendmailAnalyzer is easy to install and highly configurable to match the dozen of Sendmail possible configurations. It also support report for all the major milter or sendmail filters like SpamAssassin, MailScanner, Clamav, Amavis, RBL check, J-ChkMail, etc. SendmailAnalyzer is really helpful for IT reporting.

SquidGuard Manager is a Perl CGI Web GUI for squidGuard and SquidClamav administration. It allow full administration of SquidGuard blocklist and ACLs. You can also manage graphicaly your SquidClamav configuration.
This program support all configurations directives of SquidGuard and SquidClamav without intrusive modification, i-e you can still edit the configuration files by hand before and after using SquidGuard Manager.

SysUsage continuously monitor your systems informations and generate periodical graph reports using rrdtool or javascript jqplot library. All reports are shown throught a web interface. SysUsage is design with simplicity in mind. I want all relevant statistics from my servers within an intuitive web interface and without spending too much time to configure it, if you know Nagios, you know what I mean. You will especially like SysUsage for that. SysUsage grabs all system activities using Sar and system commands allowing you to keep tracks of your computer or server activity during his life. It is a great help for performance analysis and resources management. The threshold notification can alarm you when the system capabilities are reached by sending SMTP messages or throught Nagios reports.

Apache2::ModProxyPerlHtml is the most advanced Apache output filter to rewrite HTTP headers and HTML links for reverse proxy usage. It is written in Perl and exceeds all mod_proxy_html.c limitations without performance lost.

Apache2::AuthenCacheLDAP is an advanced Apache2 / mod_perl2 authentication program (allow group auth + non standard LDAP schema + cache + single signon (SSO)).

Conferences and documentation
Talk about PGDSAT, a tool to perform PostgreSQL Database Security Assessment, FOSSASIA Summit, Hanoi, April 2024. |
Talk about pgCluu at Perl and Raku conferences, Toronto, June 2023. |
Talk about validating schema and data of an Oracle to PostgreSQL migration. PgConf Europe, Berlin, December 2022. |
Talk about implementing asynchronous queries with PostgreSQL. Praha PostgreSQL Developers Day, June 2022. |
Talk about validating schema and data of an Oracle to PostgreSQL migration. PgConf NYC, New York, December 2021. |
Talk about a new extension to provideSQL/MED DATALINK support to PostgreSQL, in English I gave at PgConf Asia, Bali, September 2019. |
Talk about advanced use of pgBAdger, in French I gave at PgDay France, Lyon, June 2019. |
Talk about new features in PostgreSQL version 11.0, in French I gave at PgSessions France, Paris, November 2018. |
Slides of the lightning talk I gave at PGCon 2018, in Ottawa about pgtt, the Global Temporary Tables extension. |
Talk about PostgreSQL partionnement and autonomous transaction, in French I gave at PGDAY France, Toulouse, June 2017. |
Talk about How to leave Oracle, in french I gave at PostgreSQL Session #7, Paris, 2015 September |
Talk about Oracle migration difficulties, in english I gave at PostgreSQL Conference Russia, Moscow, Febuary 2015. |
Talk about Oracle Spatial migration, in french I gave at PostgreSQL Session #6, Paris, September 2014. |
Talk about migration performances in french I gave at PGDay Nantes 2013. |
Slides of the talk given by Jean-Paul Argudo at PGConf.EU 2013, in Dublin about pgBadger v4.0. |
Slides of the talk in french I gave at PGSessions #4 October 2012, in Paris about Ora2Pg. |
Slides of the lightning talk I gave at PGCon 2012, in Ottawa about pgBadger. |
Slides of the talk I gave at PgConf.Eu 2011 in Amsterdam, conference "Ora2Pg best practices" in french |
In this video from Us PG Day 2011, CEO of Consistent State, Kevin Kempter, talks about migrating from Oracle to PostgreSQL with ora2pg. Kevin will start by giving us an overview of ora2pg, he goes through the install, and spend some time with the config file, finally he show us some examples of ora2pg being used. |
Conférence donnée à Linux Solution 2005 à Paris par Jean-Paul Argudo sur la migration des bases Oracle vers PosgreSQL avec le projet Ora2Pg. |
This document is about building an LDAP server with a PostgreSQL database as backend instead of the standard Bekerley DB. |
Conférence donnée à Linux Solution 2003 à Paris par Philippe Blanchard détaillant l'architecture Open Source que j'ai mis en oeuvre au sein du Groupe SAMSE. |
Conférence donnée aux JRES2001 à Lyon par Philippe Blanchard détaillant la mise en oeuvre d'un annuaire LDAP que j'ai réalisé au sein du Groupe SAMSE. |
Resume / Curriculum Vitae